A Polish Story
I had my usual battle with the grocery order site this morning.
There are three shopping sites that I use and this morning’s one is the best for value though the site itself is a pain in the hole.
I finally finished and it was time to pay. The Interwebs suddenly disappeared. Poof! Just like that. As a cyber entity, I no longer existed.
So I got down and dirty. I ripped my laptop asunder. I ran all sorts of tests. No. It wasn’t that. I ripped the router asunder. I ran all sorts of tests. No. It wasn’t that. I finally thought to check the garage roof. Sure enough, the telephone cable that is supposed to stretch across over the roof about two feet above it was now lying on the roof itself. That wasn’t right? I checked out on the lane.
There were two large lorries there blocking the place up along with a huge drilling rig. The pole that was supposed to be at the receiving end of my cable was lying on the ground. Two blokes were there starting into the hole where my pole had been. For some reason, best known to God and a little man in Mongolia they had decided to give me a new pole. I have no idea why. There was nothing wrong with the old one.
Leastwise I now have a new pole. It doesn’t look much different from the old one. If I hadn’t seen them messing around, I wouldn’t have noticed the difference. Weird.
So my Interwebs is back.
The new pole hasn’t even improved speeds.
File this one under Alls well that ends well.