
Caption time — 13 Comments

  1. Biden: ningewa waaah away with…. What’s his name again? Where am I?
    Bono: kewl, another medal. Now dear God, where am I?

  2. Given some of the other people senile Joe has given awards to I am not surprised.

    I cannot help but think Joe is given a pile of papers and just told sign these, then you can have ice cream and take a nap.

  3. personally I found that photograph rather creepy. Was bono praying to some god or other? What was Biden doing in such intimate proximity? There had to be an explanation and I think “lfb_uk” hit the nail on the head, followed by “David” in the same vein.

    • Notice that nothing is shown from the waist down.

      Bono seems to be praying, and Biden seems to be trying to figure out how the clasp works.

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