
Trade offs — 2 Comments

  1. Rather than blaming the innocent grandkids, you’ve been spending a lot of time at medical establishments, which are generally festering pits of infections, of all types from the trivial to the potentially fatal.
    OK, you’ve little choice at the moment as the benefits of the treatment you’re receiving seem to outweigh the infection risk but, in any other circumstances, it’s always smart to avoid those places wherever possible.

  2. I follow your ramblings with great interest and affection. This is not least because I’m going through a similar journey myself. My journey is different in that is invisible to the public eye so I can avoid the pity-parties. On the negative side, although my own beautiful immune system saw off the original cancer, it didn’t make it before it had spread so treatment is palliative and remission hit-and-miss. I wish you, as I wish myself, all the very best.

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