
Fallout — 3 Comments

  1. Have you been partaking of the takeaway curries? If not, then maybe you should! Seriously, the stuff you were given (like drain cleaner) has probably destroyed all your normal gut microbes, so you’ll need to raise some more that can survive on your diet!
    I expect that your phone could be programed to sense when you are ‘ready’ and direct you to the nearest public toilet (or hedge, if none available round your way)

    Is there a wonder food that has the opposite effect? eggs? porage?

    I expect you’ll find a pattern over the next few months and find a way to work round it!

  2. Since the treatment, have you tried to see if you can climb up walls, alla spiderman? You never know!

    It would make the trips to the dunny a bit of a lark!

  3. A friend was prescribed one drug with a side effect of causing constipation, and also another to deal with that side effect. Then they stopped the first but failed to review the need for the second, with unpleasant results until we worked out what had happened.

    So maybe it’s some interaction between meds and one needs dialling back?

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