
On coming out — 8 Comments

  1. That’s a lovely invitation. If I wasn’t too old to go anywhere, it would be something to look forward to. I hope all your younger fans flock there!

    • A lovely mental picture of the road being jammed with wheelchair taxis and the pavements crowded with Zimmer frames and electric wheelchairs. I doubt it somehow. Only a couple of the locals knew about my online activities and I honestly don’t know of any other readers within striking distance. Unless of course people are willing to go on pilgrimages to view Grandad’s Village?

  2. I’m only just beginning to appreciate the serious nature of your op, so apologies if I’ve appeared flippant in my comments. You are coping better than I think I would, especially in your ventures out, although if I had a ‘caff’ like that to go to, I think I’d be there too. I can’t agree about the car – it might be red, but I’d have walked away if a vehicle started telling me what to do! Well done Daughter and GDtY – they sound incredible! Glad the physio is helping and hope your trips to the specialists go well, Keep on fighting, you owd ******,
    Ian J

    • Flippancy is the name of the game here, so apologies are not only not required, they are all but banned.

      The car does have a mind of its own but like all computers and electronics [with the possible exception of pacemakers] they can be ignored. In fact I get a chuckle out of it occasionally – yesterday, driving down a road with those matchstick yokes to “protect” a cycle lane, the car screamed a warning at every matchstick in case I hadn’t seen it!

  3. “I’m the one with no nose”

    Reminds me of an old joke: “I say, my dog’s got no nose” “How does he smell?” “Terrible!”

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