
You win some, you lose some — 5 Comments

  1. Sounds horrible! As someone with 2 compression fractures in the middle of my spine I totally get it. When mine flares the pain is much like you described and there is not much I can do except rest, take muscle relaxants and anti inflammatories. Have you tried muscle relaxants? Over here the common one is Cyclobenzaprine. Hope you get some relief today from PT. Hope today is better for you.

    • I haven’t tried muscle relaxants. I get a mental image of me lying in a rubbery heap on the floor after taking them!

      Incidentally, you had trouble posting that comment because the site thought you were trying to sell me Cyclobenzaprine. My site has my interests at heart! ;-D

  2. You are a brave and determined man Grandad, and you have my admiration for your perseverance and resilience. If I could buy you a Volvic or something as a show of support I gladly would. Keep your head held high (literally in this case!)


    • I don’t see myself as brave in the least. I’m just motoring along and refusing to quit. And the house is laden down with Volvic, thanks to Daughter who is mothering me which is a little strange….. Thanks for the offer though.

  3. Keep at it my friend and it will eventually get better. The early days are the hardest (and you’ll notice I didn’t add; “and then it gets worse” since that would just be my horrible sense of humor). Take care now.

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