It cost HOW MUCH?
House prices are high in Ireland.
As a result there is a housing crisis with nearly 14,500 people living in emergency accommodation. That doesn’t account for those forced to live with the parents, couch surf with friends or live in a car. People can’t get mortgages and there are huge queues at each house showing.
I did a little bit of research. There are nearly 2,500 properties for sale within Dublin County according to
The most expensive of these comes in at â¬11 million. Not for a first time buyer maybe? It’s expensive but you do get five bathrooms and a chance to live on the most expensive property on the Irish Monopoly board. [or is that Adelaide Road?]
However if your budget doesn’t stretch to â¬11 million, there is a one bed property for a reasonable â¬195,000. Not five bathrooms but it does just about have a roof.
In between you can buy a perfectly reasonable house for â¬335,000. In fact there are quite a few properties at that price. They not palatial but who needs a fucking palace?
So why this sudden interest in Dublin housing you ask? It was prompted by an article I saw yesterday. There is more about it today.
The gubmint has built a bicycle shed for 18 bicycles outside the Dáil. It cost…. wait for it…… â¬335,000 !
Three hundred and thirty five thousand for a fucking bicycle shed?
That comes in at â¬18,611 per bicycle. How many bicycles could you buy for that?
Of course Ryan is in a sticky place here with his obsession for bicycles. For yonks he has been boring us with his passion for getting us all to cycle everywhere. Dublin is awash with cycle lanes [I saw some last week in a taxi to the Dental Hospital] since he got the job as Transport Minister. So on the face of it he should be delighted to be able to keep 18 bicycles dry [if the rain is vertical], but even he is obviously as confused as myself. How in the name of God can they justify that?
There again it is the gubmint. The same gubmint who bought a printer which cost, if memory serves correctly, a quarter of a million.
But you see it’s not their money.
It’s the taxpayers’.
What a â¬335000 bicycle shed looks like.
No, it really is their money. Ordinary people are allowed to look after it for a while.
True. Though on second thoughts you could argue that the banks own all money ultimately?
It would seem that they should have bought that 1 bed gaff, you could get loads of bikes in there all snug and dry.
Then use the 140.000 yoyos for a people shed….
That’s much too logical
But what’s the point of a bicycle shed anyway, they expect you to cycle all the time, even when it’s pissing down, so the bike’s gonna get wet, why even bother to keep it dry when it’s not in use?
In earlier, more innocent days, bicycle sheds were simply places for a furtive youthful grope or smoke – maybe that’s why they feel the urgent need for one now, can’t bloody smoke anywhere else.
I just uploaded an image which I should have done before. You can’t even hide behind it for a smoke or shag as it has no walls. Maybe they ran out of money?
So, it seems the numpties in the government over there, use Friedman’s laws of economics, as much as the morons on this side of the Irish sea. We have a moronic Minister who is stopping winter fuel payments for pensioners to save money, which is then spent on the ginger growler, aka the deputy PM, jetting off to Ibiza to do a 4am DJing gig in a club. Whether there was a bike rack outside, I have no idea.
i said to ‘Dev’ and I said to Michael Collins ‘You’ll be sorry,’ I said. We don’t have any such eejitcy this side of the Irish Sea. (Oh, wait…)