
It cost HOW MUCH? — 9 Comments

  1. It would seem that they should have bought that 1 bed gaff, you could get loads of bikes in there all snug and dry.
    Then use the 140.000 yoyos for a people shed….

  2. But what’s the point of a bicycle shed anyway, they expect you to cycle all the time, even when it’s pissing down, so the bike’s gonna get wet, why even bother to keep it dry when it’s not in use?
    In earlier, more innocent days, bicycle sheds were simply places for a furtive youthful grope or smoke – maybe that’s why they feel the urgent need for one now, can’t bloody smoke anywhere else.

    • I just uploaded an image which I should have done before. You can’t even hide behind it for a smoke or shag as it has no walls. Maybe they ran out of money?

  3. So, it seems the numpties in the government over there, use Friedman’s laws of economics, as much as the morons on this side of the Irish sea. We have a moronic Minister who is stopping winter fuel payments for pensioners to save money, which is then spent on the ginger growler, aka the deputy PM, jetting off to Ibiza to do a 4am DJing gig in a club. Whether there was a bike rack outside, I have no idea.

  4. i said to ‘Dev’ and I said to Michael Collins ‘You’ll be sorry,’ I said. We don’t have any such eejitcy this side of the Irish Sea. (Oh, wait…)

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