
A lack of progress report — 11 Comments

  1. I had a “Swallow Test” once. This guy made me a radioactive egg salad sandwich which I had to eat while they fluoroscoped me. Tasted pretty good as I recall.

  2. You have got me wondering on what a “stark bollock” is.
    And why they do not come (sorry about that crudité ) in pairs?
    Nevertheless, thank you for your, rather confined, rambles.

  3. I can understand the bloke from ENT appearing a tad subdued, his existence is predicated upon there being at least one of each element present but, in your case, the absence of the ‘N’ feature renders him only as ‘ET’ and thus a mere fictional alien with a perpetually pressing need to phone home. Treat him gently, he’s having a hard time.

  4. After all this time, you have become the hospital pet. They are all becoming more and more attached to you by the day, and may never let you go because it would be too much of an emotional wrench! Look out for the nurses and doctors starting to have pet names for you. 🙁


    • Sadly I seem to have become a bit of a celebrity. I’m getting loads of university students in to interview me! I’ve had two lots in so far….

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