
Bits and bobs — 12 Comments

  1. I think you must have a very efficient metabolism that converts into energy 100% of the tiny amounts you consume.

    Some chocolate cake might be in order!

  2. It’s good to hear you in form again. I’ve had to have teeth out lately, but was put off by implants (price and difficulty), but my dentist was superb with the injections. Glad to hear that you’re healing as well, but I guess that the next steps will take longer then we all hope.
    Changing cars can be fraught for me as I’m always looking out for problems (a bit like buying a horse!) so I wish you luck with yours (and in finding a Haynes).
    You’d better watch the eating or Herself (or Daughter) will be taking you round clothes shops when nothing fits any more!
    Take Care

    Ian J

    • I’m not that worried about the new car. The main essentials are pretty standard so the only thing to check are the controls for indicators and lights. I deal with the rest over time.

      I actually lost a little weight a year or so ago so I have a wardrobe (I.e. two outfits?) that will fit nicely in the event of an enlargement.

  3. The human body’s pretty smart, it usually know when it needs stuff and when it doesn’t. But yours has had some pretty substantial trauma and it will now be engaged in activating whatever self-repair functions it has, thus will need fuel to power those.
    So, despite its unappetising nature, there could be some benefit in forcing some of the grizzly gruel down, if only to fuel the internal services to effect their repairs. OK, it may not achieve anything, but it might . . . . we may never know.

    • No need to worry. I have been promoted foodwise to a better level. Earlier, i polished off a plate of bacon (in parsley sauce), turnip and mashed potato. I might add that all ingredients looked and tasted the part and the mashed potato was the real stuff.

  4. Isn’t there a restaurant somewhere in the ghastly place that you can go to , or are you on ward arrest, with all the unnecessary escape alarms to stop you exploring.

    • There is a huge area that I suspect does food but I have never seen it open as such. Anyway,as I said above, things have improved radically in that area. Who says hunger strikes don’t work?

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