
Baby steps — 22 Comments

  1. For another great leap forward, ask sainted daughter to acquire a universal remote, check the TV model, input the appropriate code and you’ll have secret control of the evil box. Used subtly, chances are no-one will ever work out who’s ‘driving’ it from their bed, so you can switch it on or off, kill the volume, change channels, whatever.
    It’s a power thing.

  2. Some so called smart phones have a feature called “smart remote” which can synchronise the phone with the tv allowing control of the tv.

  3. Wonderful news that you figured out a way to wear your glasses! That indeed it makes a better day. Keep up the good progress.

  4. Cut the plug off, it’ll take them days to find an electrician.. Glad you have found a way to support your specs!

  5. Well done with the cap & glasses – I guess the next mission for daughter (if she accepts it!) is to sneak a small bottle past the senior nurse – you must be in need of a drop after all your travails (or are you being v. good?)
    Hospitals are always quiet at weekends, so she may get away with it!
    All the best for a speedy recovery
    Ian J

  6. Glad you’re on the mend or at least at the starting line. And leave it to Daughter to come up with a way to perch your glasses on your face in the correct position. Wish I could come to see you.

    On another note, Firefox (in both Mint and Windows) no longer remembers comment details (Name, Email and so-on) so all my comments have been going into moderation ‘cuz I’m old and stupid and can’t see to recall the right “Name” and “Email” to use.

    Update: Never mind. This one went through. Now I’m really confused.

  7. I think that the mirth among the nursing staff is a good sign, if you were on a downward slope they would not have done that, they obviously know that you are a resilient old bugger and gentle mockery to my way of thinking is a sign that you are being treated the same as though you were just in for some minor problem. As for the humorous baseball cap set up, before all these ear plug thingies for mobile phones a mate of mine used to hold his mobile to his ear with a large rubber band, he expected mockery and received it which was normal so if anyone does get funny in an unfunny way about yours tell them “Just two words, the second one is off” soon sorts it out and the decent ones won’t be offended, works both ways. So pleased you are improving, best wishes.
    The Old Fogey

  8. What’s the food like in there ?
    It’s years since I’ve been in a hospital bed and all I remember is I couldn’t get a decent fry with some Clonakilty black pudding.
    Great to read you’re back blogging.

  9. The hat idea sounds much better then my initial idea of staples and possibly superglue.

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