
When it finally dawned on me — 5 Comments

  1. I don’t have much pain but my sleeping is very erratic. Over the past six months or so I have learned to sleep whenever I feel tired regardless of the time. I watched the presidential debate on Thursday and then slept for six hours until the cats wanted fed! Just listen to your body.

    • If I added them up over the course of a week, I wouldn’t be surprised if I slept more hours in my armchair than in my bed.

  2. I often doze off in a chair in the late evening! The other night, I had a similar experience, as I went to sleep near the end of a rather boring film on YouTube, and woke up to a completely different comedy programme…

    I still can’t work out why Kevin Costner started off with a nice, sexy girl, and finished up with a comedy character effing and blinding at everyone!

    • I still can’t work out why Kevin Costner started off with a nice, sexy girl, and finished up with a comedy character effing and blinding at everyone!

      That sounds like the story of my life.

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