
Staying cool — 8 Comments

  1. Glad to read that you’re still not taking crap from the bureaucrats and to hear that herself is back home (apologies for my clumsy error the other day). What does she make of all the ‘improvements’ that have taken place?

    • Clumsy error?

      She’s impressed with the improvements [those she can see] but actually glad she wasn’t around for all the drilling.

  2. So glad to hear herself is back home. I assume the Irish health and welfare system will look after her while you go in for treatment? Chin up it should be easier from now on!

    • The Irish health system is generally excellent at ground level. The doctors and nurses are great [when you can understand their broken English]. It’s the bureaucracy and top-heavy management that is causing all the problems. Fire all the management and administration and we’d have a great service!

  3. You see, the pain hasn’t diminished that much……

    But I just don’t give a shit any more….

    Thats what you get with the opioids, it still hurts but you don’t care.

    Good luck

    • Reminds me of my late fathers treatment for colds and flu, brandy. It doesn’t help the cold or flu at all, you just don’t mind it any more.

  4. I suppose you will be seeing the honkologist soon.
    I hope that you are conscious of the waves of love heading your way.
    For truly, no man is an island.

  5. With Daughter in charge, it’s more than a trouble halved at our ages!

    She sounds like a fabulous woman- give her our love!

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