
Why didn’t I think of that? — 5 Comments

  1. No doubt yet another way to scream about the climate scam, with so many ‘scientists’ farting about at the expense of a nation’s taxes !

    Next one will be the type of cheese the moon is made out of!

    • Maybe it’s the scientists’ farts that are causing the problem? Time for a cull…

  2. Maybe those sponsoring the satellite want to throw shade on the work of Henrik Svensmark, whose recent work (2012 onwards) on cloud formation goes against the ‘It’s all CO2’ nonsense.

    • I always felt instinctively that it would take something on an astronomical level rather than a human level to affect something like the climate. We are but fleas on the back of an elephant.

  3. “I’m sure even the dinosaurs admired them.”

    I am in complete agreement with you there.

    I can almost hear it now, Hey Joe look at that one over there! It looks a lot like that fool human we had for lunch yesterday!

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