A huff and a puff
The Green bandwagon rolls relentlessly on.
The latest is that all buildings are to become “carbon neutral”.
I notice that the latest fad is for something to be eliminated by a certain date. The Anti-Smokers are already on that little gravy train wanting to eliminate all smoking. There is a drive [pun intended] here at the moment to aim for zero deaths on the roads by a particular year. That’s impossible [unless they close all roads and ban all non-rail or sea travel] but I suppose it’s something else to nag us about. The Warble Gloaming crowd were early in the game with their highly flexible “target” of somehow holding the planet’s temperature.
This “carbon neutral one is a new target. I haven’t the faintest idea what this plan is. Is it a continuation of their aim to eliminate all fossil fuels? Is it something else? What do they mean by “building”? Are they referring to the structure or the contents [including the inhabitants]? Are they talking about new builds or existing buildings?
Instead of mandatory individual revamps, the new law now focuses on reducing the energy use of residential buildings as a whole.
So it doesn’t refer to individual buildings but to buildings as a whole? Are they going to enclose housing estates within airtight glass domes? It makes no sense.
Of course, as usual, they overlook one of the primary producers of Carbon Dioxide, namely the exhale of seven or eight billion humans, not to mention all the other Oxygen breathing lifeforms. Are we all to hold our breath for the sake of the planet?
I would suggest that the EU Juggernaut lead by example.
I suggest they stop breathing for just ten minutes.
That’s not too much to ask?
Cost â¬275bn annually savings â¬11bn annually – so payback time 25 years
But the line I like best, “EU funding will be available for the transition.” And where does EU funding come from? Taxpayers!
Saying that funding will be “available” just means we’d have to wade through mountains of paperwork and bureaucracy before being told we’re not eligible.
The city of Portland Oregon came up with a similar project about 10 years ago called “Vision Zero”. Inside six months the residents regularly referred to it as “Zero Vision”.
Ha! Good one.
It would be impossible for life on earth to exist without carbon.
Perhaps if they were so keen to “save the planet” they could start by eliminating themselves.
Cutting off all their air supply for just ten minutes should be sufficient? I don’t want to be too hard on them……