
The clock — 7 Comments

  1. What was the old song (clean version) about my grandfathers clock – best to look after it I think!

  2. Probably a synchronous motor.

    My folks had a clock with one. The motor moves round, smoothly, synchronized with the 50Hz mains electric. Had a little “flick” lever to start it after it was plugged in. Gentle hum if you listen close. And the mains is continually adjusted to always keep step with the time standards: over the short term it is allowed to deviate a bit but long term it is exact. Which is probably why your clock keeps such accurate time.

    Even if using the term “Master” is problematic and indicative that both the concept of time and your clock have hetro-normative white patriarchal supremacist oppressor natures. You should denounce it or you might receive a visit from someone to check your thinking and whether you’ve committed a hate crime.

    • It is indeed a synchronous motor. It takes a little patience to get it running which I do by repeatedly pushing in the time setting spindle.

      I use the term Master in the sense that all household timepieces can be set to the Master time as it is the most accurate. Time is essential in this household as Herself has to know when to turn on the Six O’Clock News.

      I might point out that the clock is black and is therefore exempt from any woke bullshit.

      • A Clock of Colour! Dats all right den 🙂

        BTW, just noticed that your opening line “My father once worked in Limerick” is in itself like the opening line of a Limerick. Partial recursion?

        All da best 🙂

  3. If it had been the older type of pendulum “Master” I wonder what happened to all the slaves when he “nicked it”? And don’t worry about its condition, antiques expert Drew Pritchard (of the UK TV show “Salvage Hunters”) would call that “Patina”…

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