Was it all worth it?
Today is the day when the world collectively wakes up and wonders what the fuck just happened.
All those weeks of hype and frantic rushing around buying needless stuff and suddenly it’s all over.
Now there is the clearing up. The living room looks like a bomb has just gone off in a paper factory. The kitchen is groaning under the weight of plates containing half eaten dinners. Stomach-settlers and headache pills are suddenly in short supply and then there are the apologies to be made over the remarks made while in a drunken stupor.
I remember those days.
How am I today?
I’m grand. Yesterday was a quiet day at The Manor. A very quiet gathering of the clan with no breakages or mess. The only casualty is this laptop as Penny somehow managed to pull it off the table onto the floor with a loud crash. Now half the keys feel gritty and don’t quite work properly. That’s a bugger.
Today I am happy. Happy that those endless advertisements for perfumes, sitting-room suites and food are over. Happy that life can return to a semblance of quiet normality. Though I see yet another storm is about to hit us. I could do without that.
I took a photograph yesterday.
I will leave it to your imagination. Is it moon-rise over the Estate?
Or is it the moment my Scud missile caught Santa as he flew in over the Irish Sea?
Good to hear that all (discounting the laptop incident) went well. We always avoid the mess due to the annual invitation for the holiday to our son and daughter in-law’s home.
A sensible arrangement. No washing up and you can quit any time you like.
Did I tell you that I had a new angle grinder for Christmas?
I spent a happy half-hour setting it up this morning, and now need an estimate for a new dining room table and a chair-leg repair…
I chucked about a hundredweight of stuff in the freezer, where it won’t rot for several months, and Tesco will get hardly any of our pensions for several weeks, thank goodness!
Now an angle grinder is what I would call a sensible toy to gladden the heart of any man. I’m jealous.
Irish iron dome system in action I suspect, shooting down someoneâs brand new drone launched without approval from the Irish Aviation Authority.
I was more interested in your green Tyrannosaurus Rex with its head cocked quizzically at the lawns edge, is it a visitor or an intruder deterrent?
A Tyrannosaurus Rex? I donât see one. Maybe he has run away since? We do have a few up the valley all right and occasionally they wander down and cause chaos.
I didn’t spot it either until Colin mentioned it.