Taking no chances
Happy times!
Today is traditionally my happiest day of the year – the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year.
Except that it isn’t.
Pedants will rightly point out that tomorrow is actually the Solstice and they’d be right, this year anyway. In a mysterious way that baffles even my astounding knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, the Solstice tends to float a bit around the 21st or the 22nd and sometimes beyond. Similarly the latest time the sun rises doesn’t coincide with the earliest time that the sun sets. It’s all something to do with eccentricities and wobbles or something.
There is a simple answer to this little conundrum.
I just celebrate and get rat-arsed from the 20th to the 23rd.
That way I’m sure to get it right?
Damn, I’m working Friday otherwise I’d follow your advice!
Offer to work Monday instead?
It’s a great time of the year, and now there’s the New Year to look forward to, as the days get longer!
Just get a little thing like Christmas out of the way, and you’re quids in!
That’s why I intend to remain hammered until Wednesday next at the earliest. Let the long weekend waft by on a haze of alcohol…..
Yes, yes, celebrate ! How about a bit of human sacrifice to mark the occasion ? There must be a few politicians surplus to requirements, Shirly 😉
Yup. 160 of them.