
Dirty little tricks — 12 Comments

  1. I just filled it in and was never asked who I am.

    The EU apparently lets a person fill a survey with absolutely no checks on their identity.

    Best Regards,


  2. I filled it out and was most impressed with the request to “please explain your answer” when my selection was “I don’t know”.

    The thing I find most interesting is smoking in outdoor seating areas. People seem scared shitless of tobacco smoke and the smell in these areas but will spend the day walking around town amid the car and truck traffic (and the exhaust) without a second thought.

    • The whole questionnaire is supposed to be about vaping but they are hoping to slip that extra bit about banning smoking outdoors in on the coat-tails. Hence my “dirty little tricks”.

  3. The whole thing is a ludicrous farce. That vaping is bad is simply simply assumed throughout. There is no mention of the benefits to smokers trying to quit. The term ‘children’ is not defined nor its use for older adolescents defended. That adults like sweet things is beyond their comprehension so they can only see flavours in relation to ‘children’. Any possible evidence of harms is pushed. Etc etc.

    These people are too stupid to be let out without a responsible adult to take care of them

  4. Well, I filled in the survery. They won’t like my answers so it will be binned. Which is what will happen to any and all responses that don’t meet with approval. They do not want opinions they want compliance.

    • Surveys can always be slanted by the format of the questions. It’s a neat way of ensuring a bias towards their desired result.

  5. The Vapeing Polis will be out making sure that none of those athsma inhaler users are not secretly enjoying a sniff.
    Unless they are of a certain race and a shisha is being used.
    Considering the great lake of poo that society is in this is pathetic.

  6. Basically anything that ordinary folk actually want to do, like smoking, vaping, driving, eating chips, respecting your national culture etc. will be opposed by those in power.
    Things you don’t want to do, like going vegan, eating lentils, jogging, cycling, using heat-pumps, being boring and as miserable as sin will be approved.
    Some cultures separate these things into categories like ‘haram’ and ‘halal’ – do you see where we’re going yet . . . .?

  7. First question: Do you live in Ireland? – No
    This is a local survey for local people. your kind aren’t welcome here. (Something like that)
    Click “back”
    Do you live in Ireland? Yes
    Second question in the actual survey: Do you now or have you previously smoked tobacco products?
    I selected Yes because I have previously smoked, then saw the other two answers “No – I have given up smoking” and “No – I have never smoked”.
    What a stupid way to phrase that question and answer.

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