Let the celebrations commence
It has arrived!
After years of warnings, failed predictions and false starts, Global Warming has at last been consigned to history.
Yes, you heard that correctly – Global Warming is over. We are now into Global Boiling.
“The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”
This was great news and the first thing I did this morning was to fill a kettle and place it out on the terrace.
Sadly it didn’t boil, and I had to revert to good old fashioned electricity before I could enjoy my first mug of tea. I’ll try again in a little while when the day warms up a bit more. It’s still a paltry 19C so we have a way to go yet.
So Guterres is really getting his knickers in a knot over this. I swear I heard him on the news last night saying that the planet was its hottest ever. Wow! He did dial back a notch though and said it was the hottest month since the 1940s. The director of the Climate Committee was a tad more ambitious though. He raised the stakes a bit.
“unprecedented in our history in the last few thousand years”.
However that didn’t quite sound scary enough.
Possibly even longer “on the order of 100,000 years”, he said.
Good Grief! That’s long before the last Ice Age which only ended around 12,000 years ago [and from which we are still recovering].
These people in the UN have remarkable hindsight, even if their foresight isn’t quite so good. I could have sworn we still has a couple of years of Global Warming to go yet.
Just as an aside, I had a thought this morning: We are being pushed into an era where we are utterly dependent on electricity. That electricity will be generated by wind and sunlight.
The last time I looked, wind and sunlight are free [even if they are not quite in abundance]. They cost nothing. Therefore they will pass on this remarkable feature to all us customers,
Free electricity?
I thought not.

My garden tomorrow.
You are right about free electricity. Just look back at the promises made about nuclear in the 50’s. I can’t remember who said it, but I remember there was on that went something like, ‘Electricity will be too cheap to meter’. That one went well!!
Maybe we could use the steam from the boiling water to generate electricity.
Global boiling? Bring it on. Wouldn’t need an oven or hob any more. We could all do with saving a few pennies on our inflated electrickery bills.
Why do I wake up every morning feeling like I’m living in a Monty Python sketch???
Dear Grandad
This tells us all we need to know about the united nations and world meteorological organization: they are rubbish.
The article is a bog standard piece of fear porn, complete with repeated claims that it’s the evil man-made CO2 that’s the problem and the only hope for Planet Earth is for all white folk to cease using coal, gas and oil to fuel our wonderful modern civilisation, and go back to living in caves and eating turnips.
The Planet with be Saved! Halleluiah!
Mr Worstall has a post on wildfires: