Leave my head in peace
I had a rather rough night’s sleep on Saturday night, Sunday morning.
The result of course was a brain like porridge yesterday.
The problem then arises when it comes to scribbling something here. There is the irritating compulsion to put something down but having a complete blank when it comes to a topic. You may take my word for it that there are lots of things that irritate me about current affairs, but I have either scribbled about them before or else they are just plain boring.
That’s the problem I have. Nothing happens here. Well, nothing of interest anyway. The only riveting excitement lately was Penny’s little excursions to the vet and writing about a dog can become somewhat tedious. And anyway it’s my site, not hers.
Yesterday I just tried to doze. God knows I was sleepy enough but the doze just didn’t happen. The head was too full of random uninteresting thoughts. I took a brief delve into the pit that is the Interwebs but there was little there to wake me up, let alone scribble about. Most of the news was about that damned Norn Iron Protocol. Having lived through fifty years or so about Norn Iron and its troubles and squabbles I am frankly sick of the place.
Don’t get me wrong. Norn Iron is a nice enough place. I have holidayed there a couple of times and had a good time. The people in general are very nice and friendly but their politics? Jayzus but I’m sick the the teeth with their fucking politics. Let’s hope they can sort out their fucking Protocol just to give us a bit of peace.
So now I have to think up something to scribble about today.
Nothing there…
Too late. You already scribbled about having nothing to scribble about proving yourself wrong in the process….I think.
On another note, when I wake up in the morning after a good nights insomnia, my brain feels more like Cheerio with no sugar. Round, bland, with a hole in the middle…
…don’t ask.
Unsweetened Cheerios sounds about right. Thoughts just get bogged down before vanishing into the hole. It’s really annoying.