
The rise and fall — 8 Comments

  1. Yes, me too. But in the early days each new update made an obvious noticeable improvement, better storage,faster and many added facilities both on the PC and some enabling real world stuff like CD writing, hi-def graphics, web connectivity. It was worth learning how to use it and by and large the learning was fairly simple as it just extended the existing basic skills. Old style HTML was simple to write, languages like BASIC were easy to use even if you did occasionally have to resort to machine code segments they were flat and sequential, you knew what everything was doing. But it’s not like that now. A new PC that goes twice as fast doesn’t actually do anything new that I want to do, doesn’t even go twice as fast with the 3rd world Net connections round here! writing complex software is mostly beyond the ability of most people. Writing a modern web page with style sheets and stuff is way harder than old flat HTML if you only want something simple. Most people now use page editors. Even network stuff, which I could do in my sleep now requires an explanation and lesson from Son about all the words and concepts that I have not kept up with. So like you, I can’t be bothered any more, a couple of simple web sites for local groups and that’s my lot.

    • seconded! I used to look forward to new releases — bugs squashed, useful features — now I dread the need to upgrade — useful features vanished, stuff I don’t need/want/understand getting in the way.

  2. I was a hardware electronic engineer.
    The dreaded words from component manufacturers were “in accordance with our policy of continuous improvement……” Dum, da dum, dum.
    This meant that designs which had been ticking along for years were now at risk.
    And sure enough the law of Sod, or Murphy kicked in.
    Arse, feck.
    Go back to Go, do not collect 200 spondulicks.

  3. I was responsible for desk-top computing in large corporates from the early 1980s, those were exciting days with genuinely useful new features and capabilities appearing at a staggering rate – deciding which ones would be worth following corporately was a major challenge. But then they cracked the basics, standards emerged and the kit became predictable and reliable, beyond that everything else was froth.
    It’s like motor-cars, they spent many decades cracking the basics but, once they had and all modern cars had acquired ‘Japanese’ levels of quality and reliability, any extra ‘features’ became just froth, mere marketing devices to persuade you that their car was better than another.
    I’m glad I was in at the ‘bleeding edge’, it was fun then.

    • The car analogy is bang on. Over the years they have added all sorts of stuff. Some of it is quite handy such as windscreen demisters and wing mirrors [stuff I had to add myself to my first car]. My latest yoke is full of stuff I’m not even sure how to work. The worst is the on-board computer which has a large range of functions [average fuel consumption, how far can I go before the next refill, shit like that]. The end result is that the engine compartment is a foreign land. God be with the days when I could easily replace a clutch-plate at the side of the road….

  4. Even Linux now gets randomly broken when you apply updates. I’m currently enjoying “mintMenu has quit unexpectedly”. That’s the main menu suddenly drops off the panel – duh!

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