The end
They have finally removed all those damned restrictions.
No more anti-social distancing! We can invite as many people as we like to our weddings, funerals or just to hell-raise in our homes. Everything is back to normality at last.
Except for the masks!
For unknown reasons they are still insisting on the wearing of masks which means I have to continue insisting on not wearing them. I suppose it’s a good thing as if they removed the mask requirement, I would no longer have a mark of rebellion. I would have to revert to carrying a placard declaring that I won’t be dictated to by a shower of cunts.
They did have to throw in a bit of gloom with the good news. Gloom has been the norm over the last couple of years and they’re not going to relinquish that for a while. We could have another wave of the virus; there might be another variant in the future [deadly, of course]; we might yet have more lockdowns! It doesn’t matter though – they have discovered just how meek and malleable people are so they know they can beat us down again any time they like.
On a sadder note – or happier, depending on your point of view – Christmas also ended today at the Manor. Daughter knows Herself doesn’t like fruit cake but I do, so every Christmas she bakes me a whole cake for myself. There is no skimping. A good heavy moist cake with lashings of almond icing and completely covered with white icing with little decorations. I can practice self-restraint so I would have a slice every now and then. Today I finished it completely so there is just the plate, a few crumbs and a collection of decorations. It was delicious right up to the end. And I don’t know quite how she did it, but it remained moist up to the last nibble.
I can’t wait until next Christmas.
I jest, of course!
The wearing of masks is the only true indication that governments have of peoples’ compliance with the nonsense and fear they have managed to instil.
My own preference would be for facemasks made of clingfilm and carrier bags to be worn by all those politicians who have voted, and continue to vote, for the measures which are designed to make serfs of us all. (modified that quite a bit from what I would really like to see 🙂 )
Welcome Someone Important! The law states that they must be worn “in crowded places” including shops and public transport. How many will still be wearing them wandering around in the open air or driving solo?
Plastic bags tied firmly around the neck.
“modified that quite a bit from what I would really like to see” Anything goes here!
I respectfully disagree, how can masks be a gauge of people’s compliance, when there are a large number who only wear them when forced to by law? You can tell who these people are by the way they pull off the mask when they leave a shop.
As for my preference for the politicians, hemp neckties and a trap door, or piano wire and lamp posts. I’d even be gracious enough to let them choose between the two, which is more choice than they gave to the people.
Over here in England all you have to do is state that you are exempt and no-one is allowed to question that. Sometimes they try but they are ignored. I am exempt because I prefer to breathe what is left of Dog’s clean air and not through a snot-infused piece of CO2 recycler. Admittedly it helps if you are a large flint-eyed old curmudgeon who radiates a clear dislike of fools and bumptious authority!
Dear Ripper
“I respectfully disagree, how can masks be a gauge of peopleâs compliance, when there are a large number who only wear them when forced to by law?”
They are wearing them.
If they didn’t comply, they wouldn’t.
The upside here is that âin crowded placesâ is an extremely relative term.
Well now; it really doesn’t seem all that crowded in here to me officer. I must insist that you unhand me this moment!
(Keep in mind that this is where things could take drastic turn for the worse.)
Sigh. I’m jealous.
I’m in Germany.