Cocooned Day 5
Well yesterday was a bit of a damp squib.
The medical stuff did arrive but the fucker just dropped it over the gate so I never even saw him. I only realised it had arrived when I checked the CCTV.
WordPress did release their update but it was too late in the evening to start work on all the sites. I did that this morning and of course it fucked up this one. I had to add a temporary fix just so I could scribble this. Doubtless the rest of the day will be wasted trying to find out what went wrong. Fuck! Bugger! Shit!!
The other news from yesterday is that I hear our Glorious Gubmint is complaining that us oldies aren’t obeying their precious new rules and are wandering out in our masses to collect our pensions. They can go bugger themselves with a bunch of brambles.
I have learned through a lifetime of experience that there are three ways to catch an infection – off kids, in crowded commuter trains and in offices. These are places where I would be in contact for a prolonged period with people who had come from God knows where. Once I quit work two of those vanished and my health improved dramatically. The only source of infections now would be the Grandkids and I haven’t picked up anything from them in many years.
So I know when I am a risk or at risk. Those risks are minuscule when I drop into the post office or shop. As for going for a drive around the mountains or walking the dog at the Sally Gap there is less than zero risk. But the gubmint has declared that I must stay at home and they must be obeyed. And this is the nub of the matter. It’s not that us oldies are heading to the post office or shops. It’s not because we are driving around. It is because we are not doing as we have been told. We are naughty, disobedient lawbreakers and this pisses the gubmint off.
If/when I do go out I am well aware of the risks. They are minimal to put it mildly. Possibly I’m living in a virus hotspot which might change my attitude a little, but in their infinite wisdom they refuse to tell us where those hotspots are. So I shall carry on doing what I have to do and they can stuff their rules.
I have seen comments on [anti]social media that we are a menace to society and should all be fined or locked up. All I can say to them is that if they sincerely believe in blind obedience to their masters then maybe they should move to North Korea.
God help the future of this country.
Everyone is in lockstep. Obey, obey, obey! It’s for your own good! Do you want gramma to die!? That Doctor on the TV knows what he is saying and so do all the others who have different information on a virus no one knows shit about. But you’d better listen and do as you’re told or the children of the corn are going to make sure of it. I’m so tired of this farce. But I best get in line before I’m burned at the stake for being a heretic.
Isn't it strange that when any of these "experts" are asked a question about the virus, the inevitable response is "we just don't know"?
love this blog. tis all bollox anyway)
Thanks Sok and welcome. What's all bollox? The current topic or the whole site?
What's the Irish stazi's Prime Mincer's social spitting distance limit?
Here Doris said 'experts' recommended 6 feet or 2 metres for the mentally challenged (I may be making the last bit up, not sure)
Brazil's stazi expert said 1 meter.
The mad mullahs & experts of the WHO say 1 metre or 3 feet 3 inches.
Greta has not issued guidance & neither has the Pope. Bit of a worry to be honest.
I have noticed that. Maybe the air is different in each country? They also used to say that you would have to be in contact with someone for at least fifteen minutes. That seems to have gone by the wayside.
Over here your not allowed to buy easter eggs, as they are not considered an essential item!! They will threaten to arrest you if you do!
Don't they realise we will be using them as substitute bog-roll, wrapping the foil back onto them afterwards – the kids will never notice.
This whole virus thing is starting to look like a coup. Here in Oz the Army are now assisting police when they go to peoples homes to make sure they are obeying and staying home. The NSW gov. have suspended the sale of ammunition, seems that sales have doubled lately and people are stockpiling. And some people are dobbing on others for not obeying the rules, I find this very disturbing. Dangerous precedents are being set.
Totalitarian World here we come…….
Look on the bright side.
Maybe it will stop footballers spitting.
Even better – maybe it will stop football.
Are they going to make people's cars like those supermarket trolleys that lock if you try to take them too far?