Stating the bleedin’ obvious
There is a big item in the paper today.
Irish women ranked in top 10 for alcohol consumption, study finds.
This apparently is the most startling “fact” they could find out of a study that basically tells us nothing. Much as they would love to have come up with something along the lines of “Irish are Europe’s heaviest drinkers”, they couldn’t.
The research, published in the Lancet today, also finds there is no safe level of alcohol intake and the healthiest approach is to drink as little as possible, if anything at all.
Hokay – “No safe level of alcohol”. That statement alone nullifies the whole article, showing it up to be a propaganda piece with an obvious agenda.
However, there was another piece of research that didn’t quite make the front page.
Data reveals women of advancing years prone to falling.
Wow! Now isn’t this a fascinating study? The older people get, the more likely they are to fall! Now who would have thunk it? Amazing!
Now what I would like to know is the point of this study. Usually “research” is carried out with some agenda in mind [such as nudging us away from alcohol in the case of the study above], but I cannot for the life of me see what this one is getting at. Do they want to pass a law banning people from standing up? Will it be compulsory for everyone over the age of 40 to use a walking aid?
Or maybe it is actually a subset of the other study, and they are just going to claim that all Irish women over forty are just too pissed to stand up?
 “Data reveals women of advancing years prone to falling.” It’s them fallopen tubes they have, I learned that in biology.
You just can’t beat those “in-depth studies” for getting almost everything wrong and/or stating the obvious. Otherwise, I suggest you seek out those falling down alcohol drinking women and set ’em straight. They’re skewing the results.