
Hard Core Porn — 13 Comments

  1. “Hot babe sneaks a quick puff in a car park” – Ha! That works on so many levels….

  2. When the original “Big Brother” went post-ban, all the smokers were exciled to the garden area AFAIR, before the ban smoking was allowed inside the house…

  3. Might I, perverted, dirty, disgusting Dwarf-with far too many Norfolk genes- that I am,just mention that tobacco used to be commonly used as an enema …both as a liquid and as smoke….?


    …my work here is done.



    Seems Rule 36…(17)36 applies …and with the added option of necrophilia if the smoke didn’t ‘revive’ the lady in question. Damn but those Old Time pervs knew how to party!

    [Internet Rule (17)36 states: If you can think of a perversion then you can be sure that Great Great Great Great Granddad already did and there is a wood cut print or Hieroglyph  to prove it]

    • Dying man takes it up the ass

      Could  almost be classed as a Snuff Movie?

    • Super King Size? More B&H less BDSM. Are you a Player..s, baby? Take a trip behind my Zip…Po.


      Or maybe Old School? Really Old School Charm? You’re never alone with a Craven A.

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