
Lies, damn lies and statistics — 3 Comments

  1. I'm pretty sure this should pass as the truth, afterall it takes the results of the "landmark" smoking studies, and speaks the ACTUAL result, not the result the researchers attempted to twist it into. 

    However, I must disagree on the fact that "additives in tobacco" are the root cause for the research changing. I think its mostly because smokers have gradually become the poorest persons in our society, and are thus "medically-disadvantaged" in a number of ways compared to the non-smokers. If you are poor, you can't afford fruit & vegetables, regular checkups at your family G.P., health insurance and probably work a job that exposes you to dangerous chemicals (construction workers, fabricators etc). So, of course these people are going to have higher rate of mortality. 

    The other problem is our "researchers" are picking and choosing the people who are likely to die anyway… So, make of that what you will. 

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