
Pragmatism — 11 Comments

  1. I agree with the last two sentences, especially the premier.


    You new site is OK, but the surround is rather like shit.


    • Milky chocolate?  Actually I can now use any colour I like as a background.  Maybe I should set it to choose a random colour each time?

  2. "Or maybe someone in the BBC is just a fucking idiot?"

    Nope, they are all idiots…. Now all the BBC idiots are in South Africa on some grief fest cos apparently some bloke has died.


    • Not just the BBC.  Apparently nothing whatsoever happened in the world today apart from a few very wet speeches.

      • I'm suffering Mandela fatigue already. It's a bit like the emotional incontinence that followed the death of Diana. Mawkish and overdone.

        Re the post, +1. If I hadn't been an itinerant all my life, and had a pension to look forward to, I wouldn't give a flying fuck where they invested it, as long as it made me a profit.

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