
I have been Humbled — 13 Comments

  1. What a bunch of left-wing neo-communist horse hockey!!
    Have you dug through this award site for the socalists of the blogosphere?
    Best Celebrity blog – Rosie O’Donut!??!
    Best Political Blog – Angryharry and the dailykos!?!?!
    Worst Political Blog – Of course it’s a right wing site! I’m SOooooo surprised!!
    You have my votes as many times as I can but….Geez!

  2. Well done!

    Hope you make it this time. Will vote tomorrow when I have a little more time.

  3. Wow!! I’m climbing up the ladder ๐Ÿ™‚

    Only another 7855 votes and I could stand a chance ๐Ÿ™

    I’m not holding my breath, but it’s nice to be appreciated. Thank you everyone… ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. See what happens when I drink too much wine? ๐Ÿ˜‰ The leaders are pretty bizarre… I hate that in the food blog catalgo that VEGANS are winning… I mean really… that doesn’t even represent… *SIGH* Well anyways Grandad, good luck!

  5. I’m for the underdog (and I still think you’re fishing for complements!) votes have been cast . . .I like the idea of posting on an award winning blog. It’s an ego thing, fame by association!

  6. well done, just voted, Nov is a long time away.

    How many times can you vote?

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