That's right – Kick me when I'm down
I have a couple of problems. You know that by now. But my psychiatrist is helping me with most of them.
There is one problem though that you, dear reader, might be able to help me with.
I am new to all this blogging business. It’s been seven weeks since I started [God! It seems like seven years!] and I still have a lot to learn. I am doing most of it by trial and error. Mostly error. The trial bit comes up in January, in the Four Courts. But that’s another story.
I found a site called I understood that I can post a posting on that site, to let people vote for it. I have been doing that for a while and everyone is kicking me. That sounds sore, but after thirty five years of marriage, I’m used to it.
Now, I received a mail from someone who complained that I was posting every blog I wrote on Kick and that a) that was unfair and b) that I was hogging the Kick site. In fact, I don’t. Just most of ’em. But that’s beside the point.
Actually, what he/she said was “Seriously dude, must you submit EVERY post you make to take it easy!”.
I will overlook the “dude” bit. If you knew me, so would you.
I checked the Kick site and there is no area that tells me the rules. It seems to be a sort of “come in and help yourself” type of policy.
In fact there is one blogger who seems to post all his writings/blogs, and then post some of his old ones again, just for good measure [good idea, that – I must try it].
I know that etiquette is very important on the Internet. This is strange because there is no such thing as etiquette in the Real World any more. Try opening a door for a feminist [or for anyone, for that matter] and you’ll see what I mean. Maybe all the etiquette has been sucked into the Internet?
So help me please… Am I overusing Kick? Am I abusing Kick? Should I be Kicked off or Kicked up?
I’ll add this post to Kick and see who complains.
You’ll see the “Kick” button below
You are one of the few people currently contributing to at the moment, and your posts are very welcome. Thanks!
Anyone can post a link regardless of what that link is, and the viewers of vote on what should reach the home page by kicking the stories that they like. –
I’m hoping that the site traffic grows in the future and that we can send more traffic to you posts, which are great.
Gavin –
Ow! I’ve been kicked again..
Thanks Gavin. That clears my mind and my conscience. I shall carry on then and irritate whoeveritwas.
I like Kick. I browse it a lot [and do my bit of kicking]. I also get quite a lot of visitors from there. All of whom, of course, are welcome ๐
Kick is for anyone to use as much as they like, that’s the whole point! Keep on kickin ๐
I will take it then that the answer to the original question – “Seriously dude, must you submit EVERY post you make to” is YES ๐
Ah, it has to be a joke. Nobody talks like that. Do they?
Oh yes they do. At least they had the self respect to do it anonymously.
It wasn’t you by any chance?