Good news, and Bad news
Last night I watched the news. First I jumped for joy and elation, then I got angry and kicked the dog and Herself.
Well, the first item was that Bush has taken a well deserved hammering in the elections and Rumsfeld is gone. One of the world’s great terrorists has been deposed. I am delighted.
I apologise unreservedly to the people of America [make the most of this – I don’t do it very often]. You are not thick. You are very sensible. I like to think that maybe my earlier article [“A Blair in the hand…”] played some part in this. Did you all read it? Did it strike a chord?
The second item had me throwing things at the telly, and Herself and the dog had to dive for cover.
One of our esteemed counsellors has been done for drink driving! Fair play, says I. But he has the gall to smirk at the camera and say that he regularly has four pints and drives home and that he is quite safe. And even worse, he says everyone in his pub does the same, and that they are quite safe. He appealed for sympathy on the grounds that “he has never killed anybody”. What????
I don’t know if he is married. My sympathies go out to her if he is. But suppose his wife were knocked down and maimed for life by a friend driving with “only four pints” on him. What would our esteemed counsellor have to say then?  Would he say that the friend was well within his limits, and that it must have been his wife’s fault? Like hell, he would.
He has been thrown out of his Party, and good riddance.
So that’s two bits of scum that have been removed from power.
There’s hope for us yet.