In the extremely unlikely event that you might want to send me an e-mail, you can always contact me at the address at the bottom of the page.

Please note though….

I do not want any offers of “guest posts”.  All my guest posts are by people I already know so any unsolicited offers go straight into the bin without a reply.  So save yourself and myself a bit of time by not bothering.  I am inundated with requests and they do nothing but piss me off.

I am not interested in Russian brides [well, not at the moment anyway].

My physical attributes are fine thanks.  I don’t need any enhancements whatsoever.  Leastwise, I have never had any complaints.

Any queries about advertising usually go in the bin too, unless you are offering a decent wodge of cash.  I don’t like advertising on websites, so my price has to be high enough to overcome my dislikes.

All offers of miracle cures will be treated with the contempt they deserve.

If you do wish to offer me the use of your chateau in France for a holiday, or wish to meet up for a coffee [you buy] then you can use the form below.  N.B. This is experimental so the form may just disappear again without notice.

Soliciting for any business of yours whatsoever will be politely told to fuck off. 

[contact-form-7 id=”4ab9b39″ title=”Contact”]

[email protected]