News of my death is premature
Yup. Hospital this morning again.
At this rate it would be easier if I just moved in. I seem to spend more time in there than I do at home, not to mention all the motoring.
But I would rather be dead than go back back into that fucking place again.
But I suppose I would possibly be dead if I were back in there. They have a habit of bringing dead people there. Personally I would prefer to be laid out on the kitchen table. Maybe I should register that desire as my dying wish? I kind of fancy having a good old Irish wake. Lots of whiskey and general carousing with drunkenness and a few fights. A wake isn’t a good one unless there’s a fight or two. There should also be some music. I mean people playing instruments and not just playing records.
My father had a sort of wake. He wasn’t present but the drink was there in copious quantities and the house was packed. I don’t remember any singing but it was still a good wake.
My mother definitely didn’t have a wake. She didn’t really have a funeral either. After she died she was carted off to a hospital somewhere so students could practice cutting her up or something. As a result there was no funeral because there was no body, so we just had a sort of memorial service thing. Very bland and no music. A year or so later they had finished cutting her up and all the medical students knew my mother inside out [literally] and we were given the body back again. We couldn’t hold a funeral then because she had died over a year before and that would really confuse people, So we just stuck her in the ground and didn’t tell anyone.
I suppose the ultimate aim of all these hospital visits is that I don’t end up dead though I have noted that the cancer wing is conveniently located beside the morgue.
So I’m not complaining.
And I have to return for another visit tomorrow.
Sorry you’re at the hospital so much with all the bother that goes with it. On the lighter side, in the States there occasionally occurs, when someone dies, the folks who knew him/her throw a party in their honor rather than the typical dull somber funeral.
We call it an “Irish Wake”. Go figure.
I’m not complaining really. I am exremely fortunate that I have four teams – Ear Nose & Throat, Plastic Surgery, Dental and the Carcinogenic Team. The media here frequently complains abut the massive delays [sometimes years] before someone can see a specialist but I seem to have hit the jackpot.
Basically I am down for a regular pair of Tuesday and Wednesday to be repeated every three weeks for the foreseeable future. Tuesday is blood test and interview where I give a full progress report while Wednesday is where I get the famous immunotherapy injections The EMT mob want periodic progress meetings and scans and the same goes for the Cancer lot. They just hit me at random with those. The Dental mob aren’t doing anything more until the New Year and the same goes for Plastics. My mobile phone calendar is filled to capacity!
Even with the best help and support, the constant trips to the sawbones and their cohorts must get a bit much. Iâm sure that I wouldnât cope as well as you do.
I’m only just coping. The only thing that keeps me going is that the treatment appears to be working well, with no side effects.
I have left instructions with my son and daughter in law that if any sort of shindig takes place The Parting Glass will be played. Sort of an “I got out, you’re on your own”!
A good plan. I hope my lot will have a good old party, but I’m not that concerned – it;s unlikely I’ll be there to witness.