
Hobby time again — 3 Comments

  1. I think the ‘doing practical stuff’ may be an age thing. As a child just after the war my early years were spent ‘helping’ my father on DIY and household stuff, he was practical and tradsmen were scarce with all the rebuilding going on, furniture and fittings were also expensive compared to nowadays. Then like you, weekends were spent with Airfix kits, Meccano, model planes etc, and I liked making marquetry pictures – until I was old enough to get an old car, travel outside the village and discovered girls, sitting at home doing handicrafts lost some of its appeal. Since settling down with she who must be obeyed we have made 3 house moves, each time to a ‘fixer upper’ involving replumbing, wiring, rebuilding and any jobs needing attention. Rebuilt a couple of classic cars but am now devolving back to handicraft sized indoor projects. The latest being a radio kit to reprise my electronics. It works, but is probably the crappiest radio I have ever encountered! That clock looks fun, but I’m not sure I have the patience.

  2. What goes around, comes around…. enjoy the relaxing time for yourself and then pass on your “creations” to a loved or unloved one!!!!

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