
A Split Personality — 10 Comments

  1. Life has thrown so much at you, Richard. I’m so very sorry. But I am confident that the treatment will eventually work.
    Rooting for you too.

  2. I’m so sorry. You’ve been through so much already. I can’t imagine such unbearable pain. I hope the treatment starts working soon.

  3. I have had the first shot [of many] but have no idea what to expect. Is the tumor supposed to shrink in size and if so when? Or are all the aches and pains as a result of side effects of the treatment? All questions to be asked at the next session on the 16th.

  4. From observing others with similar cases, it seems that the first objective with tumour treatment is to stop it getting any bigger. Then Phase 2 is all about trying to make it smaller, ideally to disappear.
    Problem is, all the pharmaceuticals used are basically sledgehammers and the rest of your body just doesn’t know what’s hitting it, hence the range and depth of effects as it fights its auto-battle against the ‘invader’.
    Make sure they know about the pain issues, that should be capable of improvement, despite the continuing internal sledgehammering.
    Keep the faith, brother.

  5. Know that you have a multitude thinking of, as well as thinking mini prayers for you.
    That was for Gollum character of your schizophrenia.
    The following is for the larrikin chuckling in there beside Gollum.
    Having spent some time in Aus, the thought of people rooting for you tickled my fancy. A bit like a sponsored walk. Is it etiquette to let your fellow rootee know that this time one will be doing it for Grampa? It might delay the inevitable in a pleasurable way.
    Regarding your Post rating star system, I hesitated to select Excellent after reading of your travails. But I did anyway. I hope you understand.

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