
The Book That Nobody Will Read — 11 Comments

  1. "I suppose a book is still a book, even if no one but the author and his wife reads it"

    John Wyndham, 'The Kraken Wakes'

  2. What about linking topics to places? Then future generations will be able to observe Grandad day in a way similar to Bloomsday.

    • I do mention a few places in passing.  Theoretically someone could reconstruct some journeys if they were really bored enough.

  3. Don't forget photographs. 

    They add to the story and also prompt memory.

    About 15 years ago I had accumulated lots of colour photographs, slides and negatives which were undergoing colour deterioration so scanned the lot. High resolution. Photo software allowed the colours to be corrected. Monochrome, black n white, negatives and prints do not deteriorate. Scanning permitted a great weight of prints and photo albums to be binned.

    Since then I have inherited and borrowed more from relatives.

    The negatives were the most interesting because good prints were given away.

    Finally I was able to give each of all my  relations CD ROMs with the lot on. It was a cause of much amusement for young folk to see their elders when they were gay young things, and also how they lived. 

    Now CD ROMs are almost obsolete, so have to keep using newer media.

    • I have toyed with that.  Whether I have sufficient photographs is another matter.  My parents weren't great at taking photographs and I only really started in the last decade or so.

  4. I have done one. But I did it chronological order from as far back as I could remember. A good practise is, as you are remembering, you forgive those who harmed or hurt you, and then let it all go. It is astonishingly cathartic! Loved your car post!

    • Fair play!  It's an exercise nearly everyone should at least try.  Even if no one ever reads it, it's a marvellous bit of brain exercise.  I am also really enjoying it as focusing brings back memories of long forgotten details.

  5. When writing a biography it's important to remember to exaggerate certain "episodes" (the ones that are boring for example) as well as just making things up when the proper flow is needed. This is rather bad advice of course however, it is often done.

    By the way, what you're writing is defined as an autobiography in point of fact. To quote (from various sources):

    Simply put, a biography is the life history of an individual, written by someone else. An autobiography is the story of a person's life, written by that person.

    I wanted to point this out just for the sake of being picky. And I'll buy it and read it just because. That is if you actually live long enough to complete it and I live long enough to read it.

    • Arah sure I know that!  It amuses me when some brain-dead "celebrity" talks about someone else writing their autobiography.  Correct me if I'm wrong but – auto = self, bio = life, graphy = writing?

      • You're absolutely right although I always associated the word "auto" as some type of motor vehicle (or transmission?). Apparently the word 'autobiography' has it's roots in Greek (I had to look that one up) but I'm sure you knew that. I'd attempt writing one myself since I've had a highly varied and frequently intense life. However, I'd have to learn how to punctuate properly as well as proper sentence structure including using paragraphs instead of breaks. As for a keyboard artist I'm strictly a 'poke and hope' type. Fat-fingering a keyboard is more along my style.

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