The child is father to the man
I am beyond sick of hearing about this climate lark.
This past week was designated as “Climate Week” so we had the subject constantly pushed at us. RTE were the great offenders with “climate reports” in every news programme and various other programmes dedicated to the subject. Needless to say I didn’t watch any of them. I saw a few of their trailers and they were pure propaganda. Herself likes the news though so I couldn’t escape that.
Last night we had the unedifying spectacle of 157 ten to seventeen year olds taking over our parliament to debate climate from their perspective and to produce a report for our gubmint. So we have kids making decisions now? I suppose they can’t be any worse than their adult counterparts though.
I had a look through their “recommendations” which were predictable enough. I was somewhat bemused though at number seven –
Ireland to outlaw acts of ecocide â being the widespread and systematic loss of ecosystems, including climate and cultural damage.
Fucking ecocide? And what the fuck do they mean by “cultural damage”?
My overall impression was one of sadness. These kids have been thoroughly brainwashed into a state of fear and worry that the planet is on the verge of total collapse. They seriously think the world is about to end and that it will be their fault if they do nothing. One of the reports during the week told us that the majority belief amongst the Greenland population was that climate change was a natural phenomenon. RTE of course had to pop into a school and terrify al the kids by telling them that the world is about to end because of humans. Shades of the old religious missionaries?
I almost hanker for the good old days of the Cold War.
At lest the threat of global annihilation was real then.
I wonder how much the Sierra Club and other such (very large) organizations have to do with this manipulating children into being "climate activists". Of course this could merely be some sort of a global diversion while something more sinister takes place behind the scenes?
There must be a lot of funding behind all this contrived panic. There again, there must be vast fortunes to be made by all these "alternative energy" companies. A pure coincidence of course?
Oh absolutely. No connection whatsoever.