
Home Alone — 15 Comments

  1. Grandad,

    Best wishes to your good lady. Just out o' dock myself; she has my sympathy. Hope all goes well for her.

    • Thanks. She was supposed to go under the knife first thing this morning. Just dropped by for a mandatory visit just in time to see her whisked off to the theatre. Now I'm stuck drinking endless coffees while I wait for them to finish with her.

      Luckily they have decent wifi here

  2. Hard to know what to say to a (false – obviously isn't) grumpy old man, younger than me whom I only know because of the inter-web.

    But good fortune to both you and your poor wife. Tell her that there are a whole bunch of blog watchers who wish her well.

    And maybe your offspring, and theirs' will come and pester you.

    • Thanks Doonhammer.  I reserve judgement though on "false – obviously isn't"!

    • Don't worry about her.  She's fine and delighted to have something new to complain about.

    • The last curtains in the house are now waiting for the skip.  And I didn't wash them first.

  3. You know how I feel about you and yours already. So you also know that I'm keeping you both in my thoughts (even more than usual). Many hopes all goes well.

    PS: I know you miss her but I won't tell anybody.

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