
My number is up — 10 Comments

  1. Way too many numbers if you ask me. Over here for instance, we just have one–the infamous "Social Security Number. Plus, in most cases, the driver's license number and the registration number(s) of your vehicle(s). But it's the SSN that carries you through life or rather, it carries you–either one.

    And it's not as nosey about an individual's particulars as it seems as compared to your description of your numbers. And how are the "powers-that-be" supposed to correlate all these damn numbers in the end anyway?

    Knowing governments as I do I can well imagine the fracas that will occur when they find out that all their numbers won't speak to one another. Then they will probably have to call in some lowest bidder "software experts" to come in with hammers, tongs and thumbscrews to make all those horrible reticent numbers work with each other thereby crashing the entire system taking those horrible numbers (and all their data of course) with them.

    The government will then pass all the cost of this hullabaloo onto the you folks, of course.

    Either way you, GD, will still remain a well respected, smokin', local pariah and lovable rogue I'm sure. Thank heavens there's at least one steady state in all this.

    • God knows why they want a messy system like this.  Possibly they want to discover whether people who have worked in more than six jobs are prone to Acne or something?  Out Gubmint isn't exactly famous for its database security either.  Stuff is constantly falling into the wrong hands.

      When they want to tie all the databases together they will undoubtedly "outsource" to the cheapest bidder who will probably be some intern on job experience who hasn't the faintest idea how to secure a server.  He'll probably try to bring his work home and will leave the entire database on a disk on the bus.

      Not sure if I'm that steady these days….

  2. Sweden in the front even here. We invented a system called "personnummer" and that is a number you get as soon as you see your first light, when you are born. It means personal number. It works like this (fiction number):

    540328-3214: 54 is 1954, 03 is March, 28 is the day in March; 321 points out where in the country you are born and 1 in that number shows if you are a male or female (odd number=male, even female); the last digit is a  control digit to ensoure that it’s rightly done.

    You can not do a thing without to give this number to everyone. You can not go to the bank, not buy anything of value, not go to the hospital, not renting a car and so on. You can get a fag, a newspaper, milk and that kind of things. 

    DNA they take in Sweden when you are born. If you do not want that YOU have to say you don’t want them to do so.

    Wlecome to the Swedish way of living!





    • And thus we cease to be an individual person and just become a number.  Those science fiction writers were way ahead of the game.

    • Some twat programmer obviously assigned a two byte number for Age on the assumption that no one could possibly ever be older than 99.  That's what happens when you rely on computers!

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