Blowjobs and concerts
What the hell is all this about?
From what I can gather, someone posted a picture of some bloke at an Eminem concert in Slane with his trousers around his ankles while a girl kneels in front of him? I did a quick search and found a photograph all right [Heh!] and quite frankly it was just a photograph of a young girl kneeling in front of a naked yob. Nothing to write home about.
Now I see Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are having conniptions over the whole affair and are frantically trying to block all images which is a bit like Canute shouting at the tide. What are they getting so worked up about? Are they not aware that the Interweb is awash with photos of blowjobs?
I must confess I am a little uncomfortable with the whole affair, whatever it is. What I am uncomfortable with is the prevalence of those fucking mobile phone cameras. No matter what happens there is always some wanker willing to photograph it and put it on the Interweb, and of all the faces I would like to smash, the photographer is top of the list. Shortly behind, in second place is the naked bloke who looks like a right knuckle dragger, simply because he is the type of yob that deserves a good kicking.
I feel sorry fro the girl and I feel sorry for her family, but if they just sit tight for a few minutes some other petty sensation will come along.
In the meantime, I’m sure you are all waiting for the photographs.
Well, I have a picture of a REAL blowjob, but for the sake of those of you at work, I’m not going to print it here.
Naming the picture the way you did was vicious – referrals will bring you thousands new fans. Great photo though.
Heh! I hope I didn't disappoint anyone?
knowing what a cunt eminem looks like i much prefered viewing your blow job picture
The photo that was doing the rounds wasn't of Eminem. It was another little cunt wearing a silly had [and not much else]. There again, it could have been Eminem but I haven't a clue what he looks like anyway.
Any daredevil who exposes himself to that tidal wave deserves to be inundated.
At least you didn't post a picture of goatse. I am forever damaged from the first viewing!
I have absolutely no comment on the matter. And I categorically deny being at that concert or being naked at that concert that I categorically deny being at.