Gormless in the gutter
One thing you have to admit about Gormless – he’s great at trying to grab the headlines.
His latest effort is a ‘report’ on litter.
Apparently he has been rooting through litter and rubbish in the gutter. He has decided that 45% of all litter is cigarette waste. What? Nearly half of all litter is cigarette butts and fag packets? Get the fuck outa there. That has to be a load of bollox.
Walk down any street and you will see the usual collection of used nappies, empty beer cans, newspapers and burger cartons. You will also see cigarette butts, but will they amount to nearly half of all litter? No fucking way.
The only way he could have come up with a figure like that is to somewhat restrict his area of research. He picked a square meter of pavement outside a pub. He probably did it after he was thrown out, blind drunk at closing time.
If he is so worried about cigarette buts on the pavement, then there is a very simple solution – scrap the fucking smoking laws. They haven’t worked anyway, as smoking has increased since the laws were introduced. Nor has there been any improvement in health anywhere. In fact the only things the laws have achieved are to alienate a third of the population, close numerous pubs and force people to smoke on the street.
How about it, Gormless?
Let’s see you do something worthwhile for the first time in your miserable fucking life.
We’re getting the same over here, Grandad. They’re dredging the bottom of the barrel now.
They’ve got nothing original to say but are forced to keep wittering as that’s what the state pays them for. The problem they have is that they have nothing new to offer except quite laughable nonsense. It’s that or the tired old cliches which no-one with any sense believes anymore.
It’s desperate stuff. I’m lovin’ it. 😉
Who is this John Gormless and why is he making up lies?
Happy “World No Tobacco Day.”
Dick – Welcome to the world of coalition governments!! The only good thing Gormless has managed to do since he came to power is to utterly demolish the Green Party in the ratings. He is a pathetic little tosser.
Brianf – Green Party Minister for the Environment. His only achievment to date [apart from killing the Green Party] is to introduce a hefty ‘carbon’ tax on all fuels. He tried to ban filament lightbulbs [but failed]. He is a weedy little nodody who sold all his principles for that chance of a bit of power.
TT – Thanks. I have doubled my intake to celebrate. 🙂
Would it kill you smokers to put your butts in a rubbish bin?
I don’t have butts. I smoke a pipe. I use a lighter, so I don’t even discard matchsticks. Anyway, the vast majority of rubbish in the streets is caused by non-smokers.
What else would one expect from a Fianna Fail court eunuch? He’s just been handed a little issuette for himself.
I’m sure I won’t be the last to point out that the Greens are basically Fianna Fail bin-men so you can see where this is coming from. ‘Chuck John something to keep him going. Sump’n to do with litter and recycling or what-have-you until such time as we need to wheel him out as a coalition mudguard’.