Grandad is not on holidays
A few people have noted that I am still blathering away when I am supposed to be on holidays.
Actually Iâm not. On holidays, I mean.
Holidays are when you pack your suitcase and head off somewhere to forget about everyday life and to relax for a week or two.
I see myself as living here in France, and am doing all the things I would do back in Ireland. Basically, we have just moved to France for a month, and at the end of the month, weâll unfortunately move back again.
Living here is great. It is September, but the doors are open and the warm sunshine is beaming in the doors. I might even fire up the barbecue later like what I done yesterday. We have had one real bout of rain [this morning] that lasted for a few hours but that has gone and the forecast is for sunshine and temperatures around the thirty mark for the next ten days, at least. The humidity is very low, and I have forgotten what sweat smells like.
Shopping takes a bit of getting used to. there are very few items in common to the two countries, so you canât just wander in looking for the familiar old packaging. As a result, shopping can take quite a while until you get used to it. I also still find it a little strange wandering into the local grocery supermarket and finding myself walking between shelves of car batteries, fishing rods and endless racks of wine, when all I am looking for is an Oxo cube. Of course they donât have Oxo cubes here, and you have to find KUB OR Buillon Culinaire, which is in a yellow box and not a red one.
One of the great pleasures here is the coffee shop. They are everywhere, and of course all have outside seating. Jayzus but the coffee is hard to beat! And at â¬2 a shot for a large one, Iâm getting through the stuff.
The language isnât much of a problem. I have enough of a grasp of it to tell anyone to fuck off, should I so wish, or to ask very politely for help, should that need arise. One they ascertain that Iâm not a Sale Anglais, they bend over backwards to help anyway. They are not particularly fond of the British around these parts and thatâs why I have a large Irish sticker on the back of the car.
There are other huge advantages of course. There is no Cunt Cowen slobbering all over the place. The Plank is nowhere in evidence. If Harney set foot on these shores they would probably use her for nuclear target practice. They donât even have Tubridy on the television here.
All in all, I love it.
We fully intend to do this every year.
Provided this fucking site can pay for itâ¦â¦â¦..
You can make money from blogs??
Robert – How do you think I can afford this? From my pension? 😉
doesn’t the tourist trade help finance this as well? or does the fence take too much of a cut on the goods?
Has Sandy found herself a French boyfriend yet, hey you could end up with a puppy that answers to ‘asseoir’ or ‘venir’ or even ‘recevez mon journal pour moi!’
Or maybe the poor girl has been left behind, locked up, whilst ye enjoy a swanny!
Who says i’m envious!
S Mum – The tourist thing barely keeps us off the breadline in Ireland. Have you any idea how expensive it is to live in Ireland?
Mick – Alas, poor Snady! We thought long and hard, but decided she would be happier staying with some pals. This country is a tad too hot for a dog who constantly wears a very thick fur coat.
You get PAID for THIS ? Bloody ‘ell. Who pays you the French Tourist Board ?
TT – Of course. And isn’t it worth every red cent?
Shit, ‘I’ would pay you.
I didn’t think Google paid that much… unless you were an extremely popular YouTube celebrity making a living off of the partner program posting 3 minute long vlogs every other month.
OK so that does it! Today I asked my boss if I could take off for the south of franceland for a month and work from there.
Ya’ know what she said?
I would tell you but then this web site wouldn’t be family friendly anymore.
But with all that said I don’t feel so bad because the area where I live is similar to what Grandad describes.
Although our weather here is quite changeable we have cold and snowy winters and hot and sunny summers for the most part
@Brianf – I thought your country has an embargo on France. “Freedom” Fries and all that?
TT – Just get in touch with my agent.
TheChrisD – Google? GOOGLE?  Mwahahaha!! No. I have done a deal with a local drug baron. I smuggle heroin around the world concealed inside each letter I type. Ingenius? I thought so.
Brianf – Since when was this site family friendly? Nobody tells me nothin’.
Ever thought of retiring there? It’s not far from home and you could holiday in Ireland during the summer. And I believe the health system is second to none!
I am sure there are many people in Ireland, and other countries, that would pay you a considerable amount of money… Not to appear on your web site.
Baino – The thought has more than crossed my mind. It is very tempting. We have toyed with several possibilities. Our ideal would be to have two homes, but the budget won’t stretch to that. Our ultimat ideal would be to spend most of the year here, with a few months in Ireland over the winter – time will tell….
Jim C – Thank you for such a nice touching sentiment. That will be â¬10 please….
Enjoying France ?????????????????????/
You must live in the Protestant part of Glasnevn
Obviously ,not a DNA Celt
Penultimate Templar