Airing Grandad
I had a mail the other day. They wanted to know would I go on the radio. I said OK, because I wasnât planning on doing anything else.
When I emailed them I asked them where they were located. They mailed me back and said they were opposite the cemetery.
I mailed them in turn and asked it they had many deaths among their contributors but they said they didnât have that many.
They asked me if I knew where the cemetery was.
I asked them if they meant the one opposite the radio studios, but they didnât reply to that.
Anyway, this morning I went up there. It was a very pleasant morning for a drive through the county for a change, as most mornings lately it has either been snowing or pissing rain.
I was right. It was the cemetery opposite the studios, so having found that, I found the studios.
In my previous incarnation, when I worked in RTE, I used to see people waiting to go on the radio. I used to feel sorry for them because they all looked like they were waiting on death row.
Then I would get annoyed with them because they were always treated like royalty while the rest of us were treated like shit.
Today I was the royalty, so I dutifully looked down on the staff as I was whisked into the studio.
It was great craic in there. We had a laugh for a while and the next thing I was thrown out the door. It way have been the pipe smoke that annoyed them; I donât know.
I didnât hear the programme.
It was live so I couldnât be at home to listen to it.
I will say one thingâ¦
It was all so fucking easy.
Watch out Rick OâShea.
Iâm on the way up.
Oh wow–now next time could you mention *before* you go so we can have a listen? I hope someone recorded it for you at least; when I was on the PK show last year my husband told me I was ‘great’ but when I asked to hear it he just looked blank: it never occurred to him to tape it. It hadn’t occurred to me I’d need to ask. D’oh!
Now, someone tell RTE about the money they’d save if only they’d reinstate Rick’s researchers and let Yourself take over the Late Late. For that, I might even buy me a television.
Fortunately I would never stoop so low as to say you have a face for radio.
Never mind Mr. O’Shea, Wogan had better watch his back!
Finally got your new format today. I like it. Clean. Who’s the girl with the cellulite?
Susan – I didn’t mention it beforehand because I knew no one would listen. Even Herself stayed in bed and slept through it all. No recordings. Nothing. No one gives a damn.
It is repeated tonight, and I may try to record it then, just to prove to the Grandchildren that I do exist.
Jim C – A gentleman, as always.
Hoor – There is no way I am leaving my mountains for the hell hole that is London City.
TT – Who cares who the girl with the cellulite is as long as she has the required parts?
Dear Grandad,
You did sound good on East Coast radio today, and got in lots of plugs for your book.
You even interested me enough to look up your web site.
Keep up the good work, and when your book arrives in the local public library, I will read it.
Wow! Would ya look at that. Someone heard me!
Welcome, John and thanks for dropping by. So you found the right web site? Not that there are many like this one. Heh! I don’t know if the library service will sink so low as to get the book – they do have standards?
Is it available as a podcast? Did you acknowledge the support of your commentators? Like the makeover by the way.
wah hey, I see a new career beckoning for Grandad – current affairs on the radio, or sports reports, or fashion & beauty tips, maybe a gardening show……..
er, why the girl in the bikini? Not sure what she adds to the show? Liking that you’ve given the pint o’ Guinness the center spot
She adds cellulite.
but the question is why, oh why??
SHoop – It is apparently repeated tonight at midnight HERE. The only drawback is that I’m not on for about two hours!. I will try and build a podcast out of it anyway.
Charmed – Because a girl with no bikini might offend someone. They are just the thoughts that ramble through Grandad’s head?
Ah did ya tape it?
Radio is the new internet you know.
Excellent makeover, Grandad. Very much like the writing as well and I’m fussy. The new site reminds me of a cross between school copy books and good classic 1970’s animation art.
You can nearly smell the paint.
I’m on the radio every week
…just cos no one listens doesn’t mean I’m not there.
Xbox – No tape. If radio is the new internet, does that mean I have to start blogging there?
Thank you, Captain [*salutes smartly*] I must have been influenced by old memories? And I hope you didn’t touch the graphics – you’re right – they are still not dry.
B[BBB] – Why are you on the radio? do you not have a chair to sit on?
I went to the link to East Coast something or other radio for about three hundred ads and apart from one middle-aged sounding lady I would have thought everyone I heard was from that fabled island in the mid-atlantic. Are Irish accents not allowed on the radio anymore?
cos the college allows people to be on the radio each week, my voice travels as far as knock
Will this brush with stardom become a regular thing Grandad? I can see you sat in your rocker in front of a roaring spaniel, pipe clamped in your jaw, eyes set in a thousand yard stare. Gentle music music wafts in the background as pearls of wisdom fall elegantly from your lips into the microphone, a bit like ‘Thought for the Day’!
Let us know when it’s available, would you please? Liking the new look! Very swish altogether. You’ve changed the quote at the top though, have you? Is it a bit more genteel now?
Paulo – Maybe they took me on to supply some genuine non-mid-Atlantic accent? It didn’t stop me advertising though. 😈
B[bBbB] – Is this yet another miracle?
Hoor – As long as they don’t try to make me into a “Celebrity”. I’m not going in no fucking house for the television. “Thought for the day” sounds nice though.
Darragh – Posted today [Friday]. I’m glad you like the look. The quote is the same though?
Well alright! Start of media stardom. A Paul Lefebvre of the Irish set (Paul’s a well loved local author who also writes for a local area weekly paper. A fine writer all around.)
An now I’m listening to the Doobie Brothers and Blue Oyster Cult on live Irish radio 10 times clearer than I can get my local station on the radio, not that I’d want to listen to their crap. And they do a fine job hiding the accent but there’s no fooling a man of the world like meself (Man, I love that accent. Especially when it’s spoken by a female voice).
Next thing you know you’ll have girls calling you up wanting to take your picture.